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Learn. Share. Laugh. Grow.
Vacation Care

Vacation Care

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Ladybug Oosh 2022 Winter Vacation Care 27 June 2022 – 18 July 2022


WEEK 1 PROGRAM, Includes NAIDOC activities.                                  BE AT THE CENTRE BY 9:30 AM

Monday 27 June 2022

Location: Campus

You Need

Transport Authorisation


Today we will be camping inside our school campus. Join us as we will have soup, roast some Marshmallows and NAIDOC activities.

Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag.

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children Name/s: …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.

Name:……………………………… Signature:…………………………


Tuesday 28 June 2022

Location: Campus

You Need

Transport Authorisation


Feel free to ware your favourite PJ and watch movies with some Popcorns and continue with our NAIDOC activities.

Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag.

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children Name/s:…………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.

Name:……………………………… Signature:………………………… Date:…../…../2022

Wednesday 29 June 2022

Location: Tic Tocs

You Need

Transport Authorisation





On this day we will be going to Tic Tocs centre. Playing lots of games having yummy nuggets and chips

NAIDOC art and craft activities.


Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag.

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children Name/s: …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.

Name:……………………………… Signature:…………………………


Thursday 30 June 2022

Location: Library

You Need

Transport Authorisation


Carnes Hill Library


Let’s visit our local library spend time with the variety of books and activities.

We will also be making lots of art and craft activities

Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money &

comfortable bag.

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children Name/s …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.


Signature:………………………… Date:…../…../2022

Friday 1 July 2022

Location: Park

You Need

Transport Authorisation


Picnic in our Local Park, Explore the nature of greenness

.Lunch will be provided, Hot dog with our favourite’s sauces.

Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag.

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children Name/s: …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.

Name:……………………………… Signature:…………………………



WEEK 2 PROGRAM                                                                                          BE AT THE CENTRE BY 9:30 AM

Monday 4 July 2022

Location: Campus


Transport Authorisation


Today we will be playing party games doing craft and having fun as we bounce the day away. We will also be baking Garlic Bread together.

Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children (Name/s …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.

Name:……………………………… Signature:………………………… Date:…../…../2022

Tuesday 5 July 2022

Location: Campus


Transport Authorisation


Sushi & rice roll day


On this day we will be doing varies activities & playing games.

Then we all will be making rice rolls and sushi rolls.

Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children (Name/s …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.


Signature:………………………… Date:…../…../2022

Wednesday 6 July 2022

Location: City Farm


Transport Authorisation


Calmsley Hill City Farm


Come along and join us in an exciting day out visiting the City Farm enjoying the peaceful nature and watching the animals together

Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children (Name/s …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.

Name:……………………………… Signature:………………………… Date:…../…../2022

Thursday 7 July 2022

Location: Cinemas


Transport Authorisation




Today we will be going to the Cinema watching one of the children favourite movies.

Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children (Name/s …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.

Name:……………………………… Signature:………………………… Date:…../…../2022

Friday 8 July 2022

Location: STS


Transport Authorisation



On this day we will be having lots of unlimited fun at 10 pin bowling and laser games.

Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children (Name/s …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.

Name:……………………………… Signature:………………………… Date:…../…../2022


WEEK 3 PROGRAM                                                                                          BE AT THE CENTRE BY 9:30 AM

Monday 11 July 2022

Location: Campus

You Need

Transport Authorisation


Come dressed up as your favourite character and enjoy the time playing a verity of Board games.

Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children (Name/s …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.

Name:……………………………… Signature:…………………………


Tuesday 12 July 2022

Location: Tic Toc


Transport Authorisation




On this day we will be going to Tic Tocs again. Playing lots of games having yummy nuggets and chips art and craft activities.


Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children (Name/s …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.

Name:……………………………… Signature:…………………………


Wednesday 13 July 2022

Location: Cinema


Transport Authorisation



Today we will be going to the Cinemas watching one of the children favourite movies. Than head back to the campus for snacks and

hot chocolate.

Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children (Name/s …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.

Name:……………………………… Signature:…………………………


Thursday 14 July 2022

Location: Garden


Transport Authorisation


Botanical Garden


We will be in touch with nature at the Botanical Garden strolling around the park.

Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children (Name/s …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.

Name:……………………………… Signature:………………………… Date:…../…../2022

Friday 15 July 2022

Location: Bowling


Transport Authorisation



On this day we will be having lots of unlimited fun again at 10 pin bowling and laser games.

Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children (Name/s …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.

Name:……………………………… Signature:………………………… Date:…../…../2022

Monday 18 July 2022

Location: Campus


Transport Authorisation


All day fun, games and activities.

Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, Morning/Afternoon tea, packed lunch, water bottle, pocket money & comfortable bag

I sign below authorising Ladybug Oosh Services to take my child/children (Name/s …………………………………………… the stated excursion. I have read the risks involved and conditions as declared on this form.

Name:……………………………… Signature:…………………………



Important things to know when booking your child in for Vacation Care

Bookings are essential


Bookings ensure that we have the correct staff to Child ratios, ensuring the best experiences possible and the safest practice possible.




For most of our experiences we pre-pay based on our bookings, for this reason we are unable to provide refunds or credits. If your child is booked in and they do not attend – we are unable to provide a refund or credit.




Prices are calculated on your childcare subsidy; we can only calculate prices with a completed enrolment form. Once we have your details, you’ll need to confirm the enrolment; by going to MyGov – Centrelink – Childcare Subsidy and Enrolments (Ladybug OOSH Services) to accept the enrolment. If your childcare subsidy has been ceased you may need to update your details through MyGov or give Centrelink a call on 136 150. We suggest doing this as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.


Should your subsidy be not approved the full daily charges will apply, charges are $120 per day inclusive of all excursion and activity costs.

Maximum and minimum cost to you is, with subsidy at 85% cost to you is $23.10 per day or with subsidy at 50% cost to you is $63 per day.

We invoice weekly and all invoices must be remitted to:  Name: Ladybug Oosh

BSB: 062329

Acc No: 10447162



Please provide your child with lunch every day, unless advised otherwise.


Unless we provide lunch for an excursion, we cannot guarantee that lunch facilities will be available for your child to purchase lunch, children tend to eat more during the holidays so please ensure that you pack accordingly. We are able to cook 2-minute noodles in the afternoon if time allows, if you would like your child to have these, please provide Cup noodles only, with their name on them, into the kitchen as you drop them off in the morning - sorry we do not have a supply of these so you will need to provide them.



We are a registered SunSmart centre and require that all children wear hats during outdoor play. Please provide your child with a hat every day. It is essential that your child bring a refillable water bottle to vacation care every day. Sunscreen will be applied to children participating in outdoor activities; if your child chooses not to wear sunscreen they will not be allowed to participate in outdoor activities – we encourage families to provide children with their own sunscreen to support children in being responsible for their own wellbeing.


Program changes


While we do our best to ensure the schedule of planned activities, sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances a scheduled activity may be changed with little or no notice. Every effort will be made to notify families and suitable replacement activities organised.



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